El pasado Sábado se realizó el lanzamiento para la zona norte de lo nuevo de Avene: Physiolift "Desafiando el tiempo con firmeza'', de la mano de Dermatoesthetic y su dra. Joaly Vásquez, el blog La Coqueta Rd, pudimos compartir, conocer en una ambiente muy ameno de los grandes beneficios, novedades de la nueva línea anti-edad, los cuales ayudarán a recobrar la luminosidad, reforzar la firmeza de la piel, reducir las arrugas instaladas y muchísimos beneficios más (los cuales les hablaré más adelante) gracias a sus componentes principales: Ácido hialurónico y retinaldehído, con 30 de investigación, si leyeron bien, sin duda alguna ésta línea de cuidado de la piel se convertirá en la favorita de muchas..... y como dijo Denisse Ricart, el cuidado de la piel no es algo únicamente estético, siempre debemos partir pensando en la salud. Aquí les dejo las fotos del brunch, espero que las disfruten, muchísimas gracias por pasar y por su tiempo.
Last Saturday it was the launch of the new of Avene: Physiolift "Challenging the time with firmness", by the hand of Dermatoesthetic and her Dr. Joaly Vásquez, La Coqueta Rd blog, we could share, know in an very nice environment the greatest benefits, novelties of the new anti-aging line, which will help to regain luminosity, strengthen the firmness of the skin, reduce installed wrinkles and many more benefits (which I will tell you in another post) thanks to its main components: Hyaluronic acid and retinaldehyde, with 30 years research, without a doubt this skin's care line will become the favorite of many ..... Thank you for stopping by, i hope you enjoy the photos.
Last Saturday it was the launch of the new of Avene: Physiolift "Challenging the time with firmness", by the hand of Dermatoesthetic and her Dr. Joaly Vásquez, La Coqueta Rd blog, we could share, know in an very nice environment the greatest benefits, novelties of the new anti-aging line, which will help to regain luminosity, strengthen the firmness of the skin, reduce installed wrinkles and many more benefits (which I will tell you in another post) thanks to its main components: Hyaluronic acid and retinaldehyde, with 30 years research, without a doubt this skin's care line will become the favorite of many ..... Thank you for stopping by, i hope you enjoy the photos.
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