Battle Cancer
Hola, como todas ustedes saben este mes se celebra la lucha contra el cáncer, cuando alguien se me acerco para que participara comprando una camiseta y la pulsera, pro-fondo 100% a instituciones que trabajan a favor, no lo pensé dos veces, quise compartir con ustedes la forma en la que la he usado, también exhortarles a todas que no importa la edad , siempre es bueno hacerse los exámenes anuales, yo por mi parte así lo hago, aunque en mi país no practican la mamografía a mujeres jóvenes, eso no me impide hacerme mi auto-análisis, ademas le solicito a mi medico una sonomamografía, es muy importante la detención a tiempo para tener mayores probabilidades de éxitos, esta entrada se la dedico a todas esas mujeres campeonas que han luchado y sobrevivido a esta terrible enfermedad y aquellas que desafortunadamente han perdido la batalla, asi que si no te has hecho un examen ultimamente, que estas esperando, con mucho aprecio.
As all you might know, this month marks the fight against cancer, when someone approached to me to participate buying a t-shirt and bracalet, 100% pro funds institutions that work for, i did not think twice, so i thouhgt it was a really nice idea to share with you girls the way i wore the t-shirt and to talk a little about it. Also i exhorted no matter how old are you to do an exam a little one in a year, i did it every January as a way to keep me health, is so important the detection on time to have grater chance of sucess, this post is dedicated to all those stronger and champions women around the world who have fought and survival this terrible disease and too all that unfortunately passed away, all my respects, so if you have not done an exam lately, what are you waiting for?

As all you might know, this month marks the fight against cancer, when someone approached to me to participate buying a t-shirt and bracalet, 100% pro funds institutions that work for, i did not think twice, so i thouhgt it was a really nice idea to share with you girls the way i wore the t-shirt and to talk a little about it. Also i exhorted no matter how old are you to do an exam a little one in a year, i did it every January as a way to keep me health, is so important the detection on time to have grater chance of sucess, this post is dedicated to all those stronger and champions women around the world who have fought and survival this terrible disease and too all that unfortunately passed away, all my respects, so if you have not done an exam lately, what are you waiting for?
Hay que unirse a la causa!
la verdad es que el cancer es un tema muy serio, y cuanto mas ayudemos mejor. Me ha encantado la pulsera, es preciosa.
te invito a visitar mi blog de moda y arte en general en
Muy bien! que linda..
Lovely and inspiring post!
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